In his special message on the international day of workers being celebrated across the world including Pakistan on May 1, PAT chief Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has attributed t...
MWF has launched an emergency appeal to support the victims of the Nepal earth quake. "More than 5,000 people are known to have been killed and at least 10,000 injured in the ...
Mrs Nusrat Mahmood, President MWL South Zone, presented the welcome address in which she introduced the basic contours of the course. She said that it was a fundamental respon...
Visits to North Zone chapters by Sister Nasreen Akhtar (President MWL North Zone UK), Sister Jamila Akhtar (Dawah Secretary MWL North Zone UK) and Sister Shaila Parveen (Gener...
Addressing the mass marriage ceremony held under the banner of Minhaj Welfare Foundation Gujrat, PAT President Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi has said that sharing the grief and reduc...
MWL Nelson holds a Halqa-e-Durood Mehfil every Monday in the Minhaj-ul-Quran centre and every Thursday in four different areas across Nelson. So in total, 5 sessions are held ...
By the Grace of Almighty Allah Halqa-e-Rajab Mehfil for women was held at Minhaj-ul-Quran Centre Nelson. The introduction of the weekly Halqa-e-Rajab Mehfil extends across all...
On the 27th of April 2015, a Halqa Durood Mehfil was held at Sister Rabia Khanam’s house, who is MWL (Welfare Secretary Alum Rock Birmingham), in Alum Rock Birmingham. Siste...
Islam Studies Association (ISA) and Interfaith Relations Minhaj-ul-Quran International (India Chapter) jointly organized an interfaith program "Together We Build Peace" on Apr...
MWL Manchester got an honour to have a guest speaker in the person of Nasreen Akhter (MWL North president UK) who delivered a beautiful and keynote speech on the significance ...
Minhaj Women League (Sandwell) organised a gathering at the local mosque to celebrate the epoch-making event of Miraj-un-Nabi (SAW). The theme of the event was ‘Philosophy o...
After anxiously waiting, the keynote speaker, Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri, was then called on stage to give her speech on the topic of ‘Islam, Peace and Violence’. Her speec...
Visits to North Zone chapters by Ms. Nasreen Akhtar (North Zone UK President) and Ms. Shaila Parveen (North Zone UK General Secretary) were undertaken 22nd of April 2015. The ...
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said that nations faced such terminal challenges only when they broke with ideology of their founding fathers. He said that it was unfortunate that the teach...
On Monday 20th of April a Halqa-e-Durood gathering was held at Sister Shanaz's house in Smethwick. The programme started with the recitation from the Glorious Quran, followed ...
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