You can read about the competing visions of Islam at the end of this chapter. In one fatwa/ Osama bin Laden calls for armed struggle against the "crusaders" In the other, the ...
IT takes a supremely brave individual to look into the eyes of Muslim extremists and tell them they are un-Islamic and unbelievers. Dr Qadri is one man who can reach across th...
Who's Really Behind Tahir ul-Qadri's 500-Page Fatwa Against Terrorism and Suicide Bombings?...
Islam is a religion founded upon the principle of peace, love and harmony and most Muslims oppose and condemn terrorism. The global atrocities committed by terrorists and suic...
On March 2, 2010, in London, Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, the leader of Minhaj-ul-Quran, issued a fatwa against terrorism and in particular the use of suicide bombers. Minhaj-ul-Q...
At the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Washington D.C., which was jointly organized by the Brookings Institution, the Qatar Government and the OIC, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tah...
A point was raised by Cenk and Richard Eskow on the Friday's show about whether or not the muslim Imams and Clerics have condemned terrorism enough as being against Islam....
The terrorists who recently killed more than 2 dozen people in Baquba, Iraq, in a series of pre-election suicide attacks, were not on the receiving end of a message sent earli...
Dalam tahun-tahun belakangan, pernyataan dan aksi-aksi para ekstremis yang melakukan kekerasan dengan klaim atas nama Islam, terutama di media, bisa dikatakan telah sangat mer...
Ces dernières années, la réputation d’un islam religion de paix a été soumise à rude épreuve tant par les paroles que par les actes de violence d’extrémistes venan...
اسلام آباد: حالیہ برسوں میں اسلام جیسے امن پسند مذہب کی ساکھ کو سب سے زیادہ نقصان ان انتہا پسندوں ...
أسلام أباد – تسبّبت أقوال وأفعال الإرهابيين، ممن يدّعون ارتكاب العنف باسم الإسلام مرة بعد أخرى ...
In recent years, the words and actions of extremists claiming to commit violence in the name of Islam, time and again through the media, has arguably caused great harm to Isla...
We, the undersigned journalists of Pakistan and defenders of press freedom around the world, condemn with the utmost firmness all recourse to suicide bombings in the middle of...
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A prominent Muslim cleric today denounced terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and urged Afghanistan's Taliban rulers not to risk thousands of lives for ...
The top Muslim scholar has launched a potent new weapon in the war on terror - a 600-page document arguing against violence in the name of Islam. Qadri, who is based in Toron...
Pakistani newspapers recently picked up an intriguing story from the country's security establishment. Reporters learned that their government had intercepted a secret message...
Pakistan’s success against homegrown terrorism has been recognized globally. So compelling has been the impact of the military’s engagement with terrorists of different hu...
An Islamic scholar, who drew worldwide attention when he issued a fatwa condemning suicide bombings a month ago, spoke to CBC News in an exclusive interview from an undisclose...
On March 2nd, Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a very prominent religious scholar from Pakistan has issued a fatwa (edict), which he himself described as historic, against terrori...
This may be the fatwa the world has been waiting for. It was delivered, not in a mosque or a madrasa, nor in some dark corner of cyberspace, but in a wood-paneled hall opposit...
An influential Pakistani cleric issued a 600-page fatwa on March 2, described as an "absolute" condemnation of terrorism without "any excuses or pretexts." Muhammad Tahir ul-Q...
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