Zeit De : Eine 600-Seiten Fatwa gegen Al-Kaida

2. MÄRZ 2010 UM 10:34 UHR

Ein pakistanischer Gelehrter, der Sufi-Imam Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri veröffentlicht heute in London eine 600 Seiten starke theologische Herausforderung der Ideologie Osama Bin Ladens.

Ul-Qadri ist keineswegs der erste Gelehrte, der sich gegen Al-Kaida stellt. Doch er erhebt den Anspruch, dies gründlicher zu tun als alle seine Vorgänger: eine Punkt-für-Punkt-Widerlegung des Bin Ladenschen Anspruchs, im Namen des Islams zu handeln.

Ul-Qadri ist der Gründer der Sufi-Organisation Minhaj-al-Quran, die in England mittlerweile zehn Moscheen betreibt. Zahlenmässig spielt seine Gruppierung noch keine große Rolle unter den britischen Muslimen. Doch die Behörden sehen in ihm einen Hoffnungsträger, weil er vor allem jüngere Muslime anspricht. Die BBC schreibt:

The scholar’s movement is growing in the UK and has attracted the interest of policymakers and security chiefs.

In his religious ruling, Dr Qadri says that Islam forbids the massacre of innocent citizens and suicide bombings.

Although many scholars have made similar rulings in the past, Dr Qadri’s followers argue that the massive document being launched in London goes much further.

They say it sets out point-by-point theological arguments against the rhetoric used by al-Qaeda inspired recruiters. The fatwa also challenges the religious motivations of would-be suicide bombers who are inspired by promises of an afterlife.

The populist scholar developed his document last year as a response to the increase in bombings across Pakistan by militants.

The basic text has been extended to 600 pages to cover global issues, in an attempt to get its theological arguments taken up by Muslims in western nations. It will be promoted in the UK by Dr Qadri’s organisation, Minhaj ul-Quran International.

Shahid Mursaleen, spokesman for Minhaj-ul-Quran in the UK, said the fatwa was hard-hitting.

“This fatwa injects doubt into the minds of potential suicide bombers,” he said. “Extremist groups based in Britain recruit the youth by brainwashing them that they will ‘with certainty’ be rewarded in the next life.

“Dr Qadri’s fatwa has removed this key intellectual factor from their minds.”

Source : http://blog.zeit.de/joerglau/2010/03/02/eine-600-seiten-fatwa-gegen-al-kaida_3487

