The Muslim Umma needs to abandon the worldly false gods and reconnect itself to the Sole Creator of the Universe and the Holy Prophet (saw)

The Muslim Umma needs to abandon the worldly false gods and reconnect itself to the Sole Creator of the Universe and the Holy Prophet (saw) : Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

The founder and patron-in-chief of Minhaj-ul-Quran International Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that the Muslim Umma needs to abandon the worldly false gods and reconnect itself to the Sole Creator of the Universe and the Holy Prophet (saw). The rulers of Islamic countries who have allowed others to dominate them have been instrumental in the Umma’s downfall. Shaykh-ul-Islam expressed these views while talking to a number of delegations after reaching London for the three-day conference to be held in Birmingham next week.

He said time has come for the Muslims to eliminate distinction between religious and secular sciences because acquisition of both is a must for progress and prosperity in this world and the hereafter. He said MQI has tried its utmost to bridge this gulf between religious and secular sciences through its employment of modern research style and manner. Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that all sects benefit from Bokhari and Muslim after the Holy Quran. He said if the previously held two sessions on Sahih Bokahri and Muslim are looked at from the perspective of love for religion, there is no reason that small differences and disputes among various sects do not get eliminated. Shaykh-ul-Islam urged the religious scholars that they should revive their relationship with learning and research so that they could serve as role models for the youth.

He also asked the youth that it was not merely the domain of religious scholars to be well verse in religious sciences; rather, it was also their (youth’s) duty too to equip themselves with religious learning. He also urged youth to spare time for research- and knowledge-based activities so that true Islamic message could reach people.

Reported by : Aftab Baig
Translated by : Amanat Ali Chaudhary


Ijazat Chains of Authority