Professor Dr. Tahir ul Qadri, who has also started using the prefix “Sheikh ul Islam” over the last few years, has been a prolific writer with 1000 books to his credit acc...
Einiges Aufsehen hat in westlichen Medien vergangene Woche eine neue Fatwa gegen Selbstmordattentäter und Terrorismus erregt. Endlich, so scheint es, gibt es eine klare Dista...
The new fatwa from the renowned authority of Islamic world, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a spiritual leader of the overwhelming majority of Muslims deals a dev...
The Islamic scholar Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri traveled to London in early March to issue a fatwa against terrorism, Dominic Casciani reported for the BBC: His fatwa makes de...
The terrorists who recently killed more than 2 dozen people in Baquba, Iraq, in a series of pre-election suicide attacks, were not on the receiving end of a message sent earli...
The event held Sunday at Walthamstow Town Hall provided a unique opportunity to the local community with the chance to discuss the recently launched Fatwa condemning terrorism...
Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakistani Islamic scholar visiting the United Kingdom, recently released a 600-page fatwa, or non-binding opinion in Islamic law, against terrorism. This...
Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakistani Islamic scholar visiting the United Kingdom, recently released a 600-page fatwa, or non-binding opinion in Islamic law, against terrorism. This ...
كلما خطا رجال دين مستنيرون خطوة إلى الأمام، وجدنا رجال دين متشددين يعودون بنا خطوات إلى الوراء.. ...
أصدر الشيخ محمد طاهر القادري – عالم دين باكستاني , رئيس مؤسسة مناهج القرآن , له العديد من التلامي...
فتوى المرجع الكبير العالم الشيخ محمد طاهر القادري الباكستاني المولد التي أصدرها في مؤتمر صحافي ...
أصدر عالم دين إسلامي له عدد كبير من الأتباع في بريطانيا فتوى تكفر منفذي العمليات الانتحارية الإ...
لندن (ا ف ب) - اصدر العالم الشيخ محمد طاهر القادري الباكستاني المولد من لندن امس فتوى من 600 صفحة اع...
NEWARK, Delaware: Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakistani Islamic scholar visiting the United Kingdom, recently released a 600-page fatwa, or non-binding opinion in Islamic law, agains...
This new front is located in Canada, where the battle lines stretch from Calgary to Montreal. Its weapons are not AK-47s, Soviet RPGs, IEDs or unmanned drones. Instead they ar...
Recently two events have occurred that describe opposing views of how some Muslims see the world. The reactions of Muslims in the United States to these two events will affect...
Begin deze maand waren in Londen alle camera's gericht op Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, de islamgeleerde die een fatwa heeft geschreven waarin hij elke vorm van terrorisme veroorde...
The discussion of the ethnicity of the Taliban and the success of the operations against them has received a new impetus. During the discussions, there are those who are ident...
Influential Pakistani scholar Dr Tahir ul-Qadri has issued a 600-page fatwa against terrorism and suicide bombing. Speaking to reporters after releasing the fatwa here, Qadri...
Speaking to reporters after releasing the 'fatwa' here, Qadri said suicide bombers are 'destined for hell' and that Islam does not support violence in any form. "Terrorism is...
ロンドン(CNN) イスラム教の著名学者が「ファトワ」と呼ばれるイスラム教の宗教令を発表し、過激派によるテロ行為を厳...
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