Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani lawmaker, says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing "without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions." Tahir-ul-Qadri has issu...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani diplomat who is the founder of formidable Minhaj-ul-Quran movement, unreservedly condemned terrorist attacks and suicide bombers an...
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, one of the leading practitioners of Sufism, an Islamic sect that focuses on peace and tolerance, has issued a 600-page fatwa denouncing terrorism and ...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani lawmaker, says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing ''without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions.'' Tahir-ul-Qadri has is...
Much like the Nuremberg Trials that history seems to have been sealed in storage as we faced the brave new world of terrorism, without acknowledging the use of terrorism by St...
Der in Pakistan lehrende Scheich Dr. Muhamad Tahir ul-Qadri spricht eine Fatwa gegen islamistische Selbstmordattentäter und Terroristen aus. Angeregt zu diesem "Rechtsgutacht...
This is beyond doubt a sincere effort on the part of Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri to attempt to influence Muslim youth that violence is not a particularly civil preoccupation, despite i...
Appearing in London, Tahir ul-Qadri told a group of Muslims, clergy, political leaders and police officers his 600-page fatwa rejects violence and called al-Qaida an "old evil...
MUHAMMAD TAHIR-UL-QADRI: No person in the whole world can provide a single evidence from Koran who would create any exceptional permissibility to committing suicide bombing....
Outsiders to the faith tradition can feel baffled by the cacophony of conflicting voices and opinions that issue from the mouths of different Islamic clerics. Unlike many Chr...
An Islamic leader who issued a fatwa against his own people. Born in Pakistan, and raised since childhood to be a religious leader, this renowned scholar of the Islamic faith ...
A Muslim scholar in London is issuing a fatwa against terrorism. Some Islamic leaders have used the teachings of the Koran, Islam's holy book, to justify terrorism and suicide...
'Terrorisme vindt geen rechtvaardiging in de islam.' Dat zei invloedrijk geleerde en tv-persoonlijkheid dr. Tahir ul Qadri op 1 maart in Londen. Ul Qadri is de oprichter en le...
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, seorang ulama Muslim yang memiliki pengaruh di Asia Selatan dan Inggris Raya menyatakan fatwa haram atas tindakan terorisme yang mengatasnamakan Islam...
Di Inggris, ulama terkemuka Pakistan Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri itu mengeluarkan fatwa yang mengutuk terorisme, dengan mengatakan bahwa pembom bunuh diri akan masuk neraka. Seper...
Ein britischer Islamgelehrter hat eine Fatwa gegen islamistische Terroristen verfasst. In dem 600-seitigen Rechtsgutachten verurteilt Muhammad Tahir al-Kadri laut britischen M...
(Novum/AP) - De leider van een wereldwijde islamitische beweging heeft een fatwa, of religieus edict, afgekondigd over terrorisme. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, een voormalig Pakis...
أصدر العالم المسلم محمد طاهر القادري في لندن الثلاثاء 2 مارس/آذار فتوى تدين التفجيرات الانتحاري...
LONDON – The leader of a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that he calls an absolute condemnation of terrorism. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a forme...
Vaikutusvaltainen uskonoppinut sheikki Tahir al-Qadri julkaisi tiistaina Lontoossa fatwan eli uskonnollisen lausuman. Lausumassa al-Qadri tuomitsi terroristit vääräuskoisik...
Vaikutusvaltainen islamintuntija sheikki Tahir al-Qadri julkaisee tänään Lontoossa merkittäväksi arvioidun fatwan eli uskonnollisen lausuman. Lausumassa al-Qadri tuomitse...
Lakkojen asteelle kehittyneet työtaistelut ovat nykyään paljon harvinaisempia kuin 70-luvulla, muistuttaa Uutispäivä Demari. Lehti onkin ärsyyntynyt siitä, että kuljet...
Arvostettu islamintuntija sheikki Tahir al-Qadri aikoo tänään julkaista mullistavaksi luonnehditun fatwan eli uskonnollisen lausuman, joka yksiselitteisesti tuomitsee terro...
The fatwa from Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, a leading figure who has promoted peace and interfaith dialogue for 30 years, echoes edicts condemning extremism issued by a number of ...
BEIJING, March 2 (Xinhuanet) -- Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, an influential Muslim scholar from Pakistan, is to issue a Fatwa against terrorism and suicide bombing. Dr Qadri says his 60...
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