Minhaj ul Quran International is a global Islamic organization. It has a presence in London and in many other countries. It claims to be non-political on its about page but ...
Pakistan-born Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri said there were no "ifs or buts" about terrorism, in a news conference attended by officers from London's Metropolitan Police, lawmakers, char...
Islamic Scholar and spiritual leader Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul Qadri holds a book as he delivers a terrorism Fatwa at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on Mar...
The leader of a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that he calls an absolute condemnation of terrorism. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistan...
On Tuesday in London, a revered Muslim scholar will announce a fatwa against suicide bombing in the name of Islam. Here, Allegra Mostyn-Owen talks exclusively to Dr Tahir ul-Q...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani lawmaker, says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing "without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions." Tahir-ul-Qadri has issu...
Sheikh Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, a widely recognized and respected authority on Islamic jurisprudence, will issue a comprehensive fatwa prohibiting terrorism and suicide bombing at ...
The leader of a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that he calls an absolute condemnation of terrorism.......
Pakistani religious scholar Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri presented the 600 page document at an extremely well-covered news conference in London today. Dr. ul-Qadri promised tha...
Qadri said the Al-Qaeda has not been sufficiently challenged and that his global ruling against terrorism completely dismantles the banned terror organisation's violent ideolo...
De leider van een wereldwijde islamitische beweging heeft een fatwa, of religieus edict, afgekondigd over terrorisme. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, een voormalig Pakistaans parleme...
l a souligné que les actes de terrorisme ne pouvaient avoir aucune justification au nom de l'islam, condamnant notamment les attentats d'Al Qaïda, dans cette fatwa de quelqu...
Vaikutusvaltainen islamintuntija sheikki Tahir al-Qadri julkaisee nyt Lontoossa merkittäväksi arvioidun fatwan eli uskonnollisen lausuman. Lausumassa al-Qadri tuomitsee terr...
Un éminent érudit musulman d'origine pakistanaise, Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a condamné mardi les terroristes comme des ennemis de l'islam, dans une fatwa rendue publique à...
A Muslim leader in the UK has announced a special religious ruling, otherwise known as a fatwa, against terrorism in the name of Islam. The widely respected authority on Isl...
Il a souligné que les actes de terrorisme ne pouvaient avoir aucune justification au nom de l'islam, condamnant notamment les attentats d'Al Qaïda, dans cette fatwa de quelq...
Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri is a leading figure who has promoted peace and interfaith dialogue for 30 years. He said he felt compelled to issue the fatwa because of concerns abou...
En prominent islamisk videnskabsmand vil offentliggøre en 600 sider lang forordning, der fordømmer terrorisme. Målet med forordningen, der bliver of fentliggjort i London,...
El líder de un movimiento musulmán global, Tahir ul-Qadri, ha emitido un fatwa (edicto religioso), que llama a la condena absoluta del terrorismo. Tahir ul-Qadri, un ex leg...
A former Pakistani legislator who lives in Canada and leads a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, condemning terrorism. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadr...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadr...
An influential Muslim scholar is to issue in London a global ruling against terrorism and suicide bombing, BBC reported. Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, from Pakistan, says his 600-page j...
Minhaj-ul-Quran, una importante organización musulmana de Reino Unido, ha emitido este martes una 'fatua' (un pronunciamiento legal de un erudito musulmán) de 600 páginas q...
El martes, 2 de marzo, el influyente erudito musulmán Tahir ul-Qadri ha emitido desde Londres una fatua, es decir un dictamen jurídico musulmán, condenando las actividades ...
Hooray! One of the world's leading Sunni/Sufi scholars, Dr Muhammed Tahir-ul-Qadri, has issued a 600-page fatwa, or Islamic legal ruling, against suicide bombings and terroris...
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