The Minhaj-ul-Qur'aan, a Sufi organisation based in East London, which advises the British government on how to combat radicalisation of the Muslim youth, will launch the 600-...
Il a souligné que les actes de terrorisme ne pouvaient avoir aucune justification au nom de l'islam, condamnant notamment les attentats d'Al Qaïda, dans cette fatwa de quelq...
An influential Muslim scholar has issued a global ruling against terrorism and suicide bombing. Dr Tahir ul-Qadri says his fatwa completely dismantles al-Qaeda’s violent ide...
LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 02: Islamic Scholar and spiritual leader Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul Qadri delivers a terrorism Fatwa at the Institution of Mechanical Enginee...
En prominent islamisk videnskabsmand vil offentliggøre en 600 sider lang forordning, der fordømmer terrorisme. Målet med forordningen, der bliver offentliggjort i London, ...
Tahir ul-Qadri, fra Pakistan, har skrevet og vedtatt en religiøs dom (fatwa) som fastslår at islam forbyr terror og drap på uskyldige borgere, skriver BBC News. Fatwaen sk...
LONDRES - Un éminent érudit musulman d'origine pakistanaise, Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a condamné mardi les terroristes comme des ennemis de l'islam, dans une fatwa rendue p...
Continuing in the early Spring sing along of hope is in the air ... A London based Muslim theologian has issued a fatwa stating that terrorism and suicide bombing and similar ...
Wpływowy muzułmański duchowy wydał fatwę na ideologię Al-Kaidy, potępiając zabijanie niewinnych i samobójcze zamachy. Jego zdaniem, metody stosowane przez terrorystó...
The leader of a worldwide Muslim movement with thousands of followers in the UK is due to issue a fatwa - or Islamic religious ruling - condemning terrorism and warning suicid...
Suicide bombers were described today as the "heroes of hellfire" by a leading Muslim scholar in a fatwa condemning terrorists as the enemies of Islam. Pakistan-born Dr Muhamma...
Pakistani-born Shaikh Dr Tahir ul-Qadri is launching his fatwa in London as part of a drive to combat the power of jihadist rhetoric on the web and provide English-speaking Mu...
Vaikutusvaltainen islamintuntija sheikki Tahir al-Qadri julkaisee tänään Lontoossa merkittäväksi arvioidun fatwan eli uskonnollisen lausuman. Lausumassa al-Qadri tuomitse...
Pakistan-born Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, founder of the global Minhaj-ul-Quran movement, will make the formal UK proclamation of a fatwa, or religious edict, condemning terro...
Well, good. Sheikh Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakitani-born Muslim leader living in England, will issue a fatwa that is unambiguous. The fatwa condemns suicide bombers as destine...
Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri is releasing a 600-page fatwa ruling against terrorism. He's rather influential, and his fatwa is more than just a ruling, but a breakdown of the claims mad...
En effet depuis que les terroristes islamistes perpétuent ces actes odieux, c’est bien la première foi qu’une si bonne nouvelle arrive à nos oreilles. En effet dans le...
Minhaj-ul-Quran will use this historic Fatwa to de-radicalise youth at British universities in the UK. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri has hit hard on the terrorists as it prevents Islamis...
Les Etats Uns ont salué la fatwa du théologien pakistanais Mohamed Tahir El-Qadri battant en brèche les thèses d'Al-Qaeda et plaçant cette nébuleuse terroriste, dirigée...
A highly influential Sufi Muslim scholar on Tuesday issued a historic Fatwa (religious edict) against acts of violence perpetrated in the name of Islam, calling perpetrators o...
Suicide bombers have been described as the "heroes of hellfire" by a leading Muslim scholar in a fatwa condemning terrorists as the enemies of Islam. Pakistan-born Dr Muhamma...
Pemimpin gerakan Islam dengan ribuan pengikut di Inggris, Dr Muhammad Tahir al-Qadri, mengeluarkan fatwa mengutuk terorisme dan pelaku bom bunuh diri dan menegaskan bahwa mere...
Ein einflussreicher Islamgelehrter hat muslimische Selbstmord-Attentäter als Ungläubige bezeichnet. Sie seien "für die Hölle bestimmt", sagte Tahir al-Kadri, Anführer ein...
Tahir al-Kadri, ein bedeutender Islamgelehrter, sprach sich in London in einem Rechtsgutachten gegen Terroristen unter dem Zeichen des Islams aus. Viele Gruppierungen, die Sui...
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