FOUNDER President of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQI) Dr Tahirul Qadri has said that showing the true face of Islam to the world is the greatest Jihad in an age when Islam ...
A prominent Islamic scholar will use a speech in London to issue a 600-page religious edict, denouncing terrorists and suicide bombers as "unbelievers". Muhammad Tahir ul Qad...
A leading Muslim scholar with a large following in Britain Tuesday issued a fatwa --- or Islamic religious ruling --- condemning global terrorism and suicide bombings in a "di...
A PROMINENT Islamic scholar will use a speech in London to issue a 600-page religious edict denouncing terrorists and suicide bombers as "unbelievers.". Muhammad Tahir ul Qadr...
London-based Muslim organisation led by Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, founder of the increasingly popular Sufi movement Minhaj-ul-Quran, has issued a fatwa against Islamic terroris...
THE leader of a worldwide Muslim movement with thousands of UK followers yesterday issued a fatwa – or Islamic religious ruling – condemning terrorism and warning suicide ...
Ever since the influential Muslim scholar Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri last month issued a 600-page fatwa, or religious ruling, condemning terror, he has been at the center of inte...
Асли покистонлик уламо Муҳаммад Тоҳир-ул-Қадрий Ал-Қоиданинг “зўравонлик ғояси”га қарши 600 бе...
This may be the fatwa the world has been waiting for. It was delivered, not in a mosque or a madrasah, nor in some dark corner of cyberspace, but in a wood-paneled hall opposi...
The Islamic scholar who issued a powerful fatwa, or religious ruling, against terrorism and suicide bombers said Thursday that he was not afraid of reprisals from his enemies ...
لندن (رويترز) - يصدر عالم مسلم بارز في لندن يوم الثلاثاء فتوى دينية تقع في 600 صفحة تشجب الارهاب في ...
جميما - bbc : أعلن علماء فقه مسلمون أن فتوى أصدرها ابن تيمية قبل أكثر من سبعة قرون والتي اعتمدتها بع...
أصدر عالم دين إسلامي له عدد كبير من الاتباع في بريطانيا فتوى أدان فيها (الإرهاب العالمي والتفجير...
أثارت مؤخرا فتوى الشيخ البراك التي نشرها موقع "فرفش" ضجة كبيرة بعد أن أجاز البراك القتل لمن يبيح ...
There is no place for any martyrdom and their act is never, ever to be considered Jihad," he said. At a news conference, Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri said Islam was a religion of p...
An Islamic scholar, who drew worldwide attention when he issued a fatwa condemning suicide bombings a month ago, spoke to CBC News in an exclusive interview from an undisclose...
Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakistani Islamic scholar visiting the United Kingdom, recently released a 600-page fatwa, or non-binding opinion in Islamic law, against terrorism. This fat...
Prominent Muslim scholars have recast a famous medieval fatwa on jihad, arguing the religious edict radical Islamists often cite to justify killing cannot be used in a globali...
Maghreb imams and other experts on Islam are reacting with everything from doubt to cautious optimism about a fatwa against terrorism issued by a prominent Pakistan-born relig...
يستعد رجل الدين المسلم البارز محمد طاهر القادري، الذي يقيم في لندن، لإطلاق فتوى دينية تقع في 600 ص...
طاهر القادري، عالم مشهور ديني 59 ساله پاکستاني تبار است و در راس جنبش سني "منهاج القرآن" قرار دارد ...
أعلن علماء فقه مسلمون أن فتوى أصدرها ابن تيمية قبل أكثر من سبعة قرون والتي اعتمدتها بعض الحركات ...
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri’s fatwa, prohibiting terrorism and suicide bombing, has received support from Muslims across the world. The 600 page fatwa is arguably the most comprehens...
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