En effet depuis que les terroristes islamistes perpétuent ces actes odieux, c’est bien la première foi qu’une si bonne nouvelle arrive à nos oreilles. En effet dans le...
A leading Islamic scholar has issued a fatwa in Britain condemning "terrorists" as the enemies of Islam, in a bid to deter young Muslims from extremism. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qad...
This week, the former Pakistani lawmaker and Islamic scholar, Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, issued this fatwa that placed "the Islamic stance on terrorism precisely in its proper p...
“Un éminent érudit musulman a condamné les terroristes.” Voilà un homme courageux qui, espérons-le, connaîtra un meilleur sort que Hassan Chalghoumi, l’imam de Dra...
“Dr Tahir ul-Qadri is stating that his 600 page fatwa, destroys al-Qaeda’s violent ideology. From the BBC we learn that Dr Qadri is speaking out against the violence perpe...
De leider van een wereldwijde islamitische beweging van gematigde moslims heeft onlangs een fatwa (religieus edict) afgekondigd over terrorisme. De tekst hiervan werd dinsdag ...
Der in Pakistan lehrende Scheich Dr. Muhamad Tahir ul-Qadri spricht eine Fatwa gegen islamistische Selbstmordattentäter und Terroristen aus. Angeregt zu diesem "Rechtsgutacht...
Le Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, un influent spécialiste de la loi islamique originaire du Pakistan, est sur le point de publier à Londres une fatwa contre le terrorisme et les attenta...
En respekteret islamisk lærd” – sådan beskriver Berlingske Tidende i dag (onsdag) og andre medier Shaikh Muhammed Tahir ul-Qadri, der på et pressemøde i London har uds...
Men det kan aldrig skade at gå et par spadestik dybere og se lidt nærmere på denne lærde og elskværdige imam, der ifølge flere medier var rådgiver for den myrdede pakis...
Menanggapi maraknya "operasi bom syahid" di Pakistan akhir-akhir ini, seorang ulama keturunan Pakistan mengelurkan fatwa yang mengutuk para pelaku dan menyatakan bahwa tindaka...
Influential Pakistani Islamic scholar,Shakul Islam Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, on Tuesday issued a 600-page fatwa condemning terrorists and suicide bombers. The fatwa is a point by po...
This isn’t just some yahoo saying “suicide bombing is wrong” – it’s a 600-page treatise by a scholar using the Quran and Islamic learning to prove that Al Qaeda is ...
A Muslim scholar currently residing in London will shortly issue a fatwa that unequivocally condemns terrorism and warns anyone who wants to place bombs around his tummy and b...
Three hearty cheers for Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakistan-born Muslim scholar in London, who has issued a fatwa declaring that suicide bombing and other acts of terrorism ar...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani lawmaker, says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing "without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions." Tahir-ul-Qadri has issu...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing "without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions." He is the founder of Minhaj-ul-Qur'an, a worldwide mo...
LONDON: The leader of a reportedly worldwide Muslim movement with thousands of followers in the UK was Tuesday issuing a fatwa - or Islamic religious ruling - condemning terro...
The leader of a worldwide Muslim movement with thousands of followers in the UK is due to issue a fatwa - or Islamic religious ruling - condemning terrorism and warning suicid...
Islamic Scholar and spiritual leader Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul Qadri holds a book as he delivers a terrorism Fatwa at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on Mar...
Suicide bombers have been described as the "heroes of hellfire" by a leading Muslim scholar in a fatwa condemning terrorists as the enemies of Islam. Pakistan-born Dr Muhamma...
Un éminent érudit musulman d'origine pakistanaise, Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a condamné mardi les terroristes, considérés comme des ennemis de l'islam, dans une fatwa (avi...
Un éminent érudit musulman d'origine pakistanaise, Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a condamné mardi les terroristes comme des ennemis de l'islam, dans une fatwa rendue publique à...
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