A Muslim scholar has issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, that says suicide bombers are destined for hell. "Tahir ul-Qadri condemned terrorism and criticized Islamic extremist...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani lawmaker, says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing “'without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions.”...
به دنبال فراخوانهایی از سوی جامعه بریتانیا مبنی بر تأکید مستمر و چشمگیر جامعه مسلمان بر محکومیت ...
The leader of a global Muslim movement Tuesday issued a rare religious edict condemning terrorism and denouncing suicide bombers as "heroes of hellfire" in an effort to help p...
A prominent Islamic scholar denounced terrorism in London, England, yesterday, issuing a fatwa he hopes will persuade young Muslims to turn their backs on extremism. Dr. Tahir...
The leader of a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that he calls an absolute condemnation of terrorism. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani...
به گزارش خبرگزاری اهلبیت(ع) ـ ابنا ـ شیخ «طاهر القادری» از علمای برجسته اهل پاکستان طی بیانی...
A prominent Islamic scholar has issued a religious fatwa condemning terrorism as “kufr” or an act of disbelief so severe that that those who believe in it forfeit their ri...
London: The leader of a global Muslim movement on Tuesday issued a fatwa against acts of violence and terror in the name of Islam, calling the perpetrators of violence and the...
Der in Pakistan lehrende Scheich Dr. Muhamad Tahir ul-Qadri spricht eine Fatwa gegen islamistische Selbstmordattentäter und Terroristen aus. Angeregt zu diesem "Rechtsgutacht...
En prominent islamisk videnskabsmand vil offentliggøre en 600 sider lang forordning, der fordømmer terrorisme. Målet med forordningen, der bliver offentliggjort i London...
A prominent Islamic scholar is to issue a 600-page religious edict denouncing terrorism in London on Tuesday in what he says is a bid to persuade young Muslims to turn their b...
The fatwa against Islamic terrorists issued by a London-based Muslim organisation on Tuesday has been hailed as a significant step forward in the fight against fundamentalism,...
Suicide bombers have been described as the "heroes of hellfire" by a leading Muslim scholar in a fatwa condemning terrorists as the enemies of Islam. Pakistan-born Dr Mu...
Pakistan-born Dr Mu...
It never was and may never be easy to report about fatwas for a world audience. This point was driven home once again today when a prominent Islamic scholar presented to the m...
The head of a worldwide Muslim movement which has thousands of followers in Britain has issued an Islamic religious ruling - known as a 'Fatwa' - condemning terrorism....
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri is the founder of Minhaj ul-Quran, a religious and educational organisation set up to promote his ideas. He is a former Pakistani minister and advised ...
LONDON, March 2 (UPI) -- A Sufi Islamic cleric released a 600-page fatwa Tuesday in Britain describing suicide bombings and terrorism as contrary to the teachings of Islam. ...
ON THE day that another suicide bomber has killed many people in Kabul, it is heartening to know that there are voices of moderate Islam in London. Next week Londonbased Musli...
A prominent Muslim organisation in Britain has issued a fatwa on suicide bombings and terrorism — declaring them “un-Islamic”. Minhaj-ul-Quran, a Sufi organisation ba...
LONDON - A PROMINENT Islamic scholar is to issue a 600-page religious edict denouncing terrorism in London on Tuesday in what he says is a bid to persuade young Muslims to tur...
AMSTERDAM Het is volgens deskundigen een "internationale doorbraak", de vandaag geopenbaarde fatwa die moslims veroordeelt die zichzelf opblazen, niet-moslims afslachten of an...
Voor het eerst heeft een hooggeplaatste moslimgeestelijke in het Engels een fatwa uitgesproken over zelfmoordterroristen die in naam van Allah aanslagen plegen. De gerespectee...
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