A former Pakistani legislator who lives in Canada and leads a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, condemning terrorism. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri say...
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, founder of the Minhaj-ul-Quran movement, formally issued the Islamic religious ruling at a news conference in London in what has been described as ...
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri condemned terrorism and criticized Islamic extremists who cite their religion to justify violence. Ul-Qadri's 600-page fatwa is "arguably the most com...
At a news conference in London, England, on Tuesday, the renowned Islamic scholar issued a fatwa -- a religious ruling -- condemning suicide bombers as destined for hell, remo...
This may be the fatwa the world has been waiting for. It was delivered, not in a mosque or a madrasah, nor in some dark corner of cyberspace, but in a wood-paneled hall opposi...
There is nothing new in Qadri's tome and that is a good thing. He is not advancing new interpretations of Islamic sources, nor is he trying to reinvent the wheel. His contribu...
Prominent Muslim scholars have recast a famous medieval fatwa on jihad, arguing the religious edict radical Islamists often cite to justify killing cannot be used in a globali...
أبدت السلطات ووسائل الإعلام البريطانية والغربية اهتماماً كبيراً أمس بإعلان زعيم حركة «منهاج ال...
الأوضاع في باكستان، والانتقادات المتوالية لرئيس الوزراء البريطاني جوردون براون، والمواجهة بين...
ذات مرة، وصف الرئيس الباكستاني السابق الجنرال المتقاعد بيرفيز مشرف، العالم الديني البارز الدكت...
يستعد عالم الدين الباكستاني الدكتور محمد طاهر القادري، مؤسس «جمعية منهاج القرآن» في باكستان وب...
اصدر العالم الشيخ محمد طاهر القادري الباكستاني المولد من لندن الثلاثاء فتوى من 600 صفحة اعتبر فيه...
يصدر عالم مسلم بارز في لندن يوم الثلاثاء فتوى دينية تقع في 600 صفحة تشجب الارهاب في ما قال انه محاو...
وجاء في البيان الموقع من الامين العام للهيئة السيد ابو القاسم الديباجي ان هذه الفتوى هي طريق نحو...
An Islamic scholar, who drew worldwide attention when he issued a fatwa condemning suicide bombings a month ago, spoke to CBC News in an exclusive interview from an undisclose...
Tahir ul-Qadri, a Pakistani Islamic scholar visiting the United Kingdom, recently released a 600-page fatwa, or non-binding opinion in Islamic law, against terrorism. This fat...
West Yorkshire é uma região da Inglaterra que reúne várias cidades que, juntas, têm cerca de 2,2 milhões de habitantes. Fica cerca de 280 quilômetros ao norte de Londre...
Le juriste islamique Tahir ul Qadri a publié une tribune dans The National à lire absolument au sujet de sa fatwa condamnant le terrorisme sous toutes ses formes. Il expliqu...
Muqtedar Khan/CgNews - Tahir ul-Qadri, un érudit musulman pakistanais en visite au Royaume-Uni, a récemment publié une fatwa (ou avis non contraignant en droit islamique) d...
Depuis le choc terrible du 11 septembre, les gouvernements successifs des Etats-Unis font sur le terrorisme jihadi de Ben Laden, Zawahiri et consorts, une fixation qui, à la ...
Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, ulama Pakistan yang melakukan kunjungan ke Inggris, baru-baru ini mengeluarkan fatwa setebal 600 halaman untuk menolak terorisme. Fatwa ini mungkin saja me...
Ich hatte hier auf die umfangreiche Fatwa des pakistanischen Sufi-Gelehrten Taher ul Qadri hingewiesen, in der Selbstmordattentate verurteilt werden. Bringt das eigentlich was...
Seruan para ulama bahwa Islam menentang terorisme sudah banyak dan sangat sering muncul. Kali ini giliran ulama Inggris kelahiran Pakistan, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, yan...
The Islamic scholar who issued a powerful fatwa, or religious ruling, against terrorism and suicide bombers said Thursday that he was not afraid of reprisals from his enemies ...
Influential Pakistani scholar Dr Tahir ul-Qadri has issued a 600-page 'fatwa' against terrorism and suicide bombing. Speaking to reporters after releasing the 'fatwa' here, Q...
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