Minhaj-ul-Quran, sebuah organisasi Muslim yang berbasis di London Timur sekaligus penyumbang saran bagi pemerintah Inggris dalam menangkal radikalisasi generasi muda Islam, me...
Sheikh Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, a widely recognized and respected authority on Islamic jurisprudence, will issue a comprehensive fatwa prohibiting terrorism and suicide bombing at ...
De leider van een wereldwijde islamitische beweging heeft een fatwa afgekondigd over terrorisme. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, een voormalig Pakistaans parlementslid, verbiedt het ...
Een invloedrijke schriftgeleerde heeft moslimterroristen die zelfmoordaanslagen plegen als ongelovigen omschreven. "Ze gaan recht naar de hel", zei Tahir al-Qadri, leider van ...
A prominent Islamic scholar is to issue a 600-page religious edict denouncing terrorism in London on Tuesday in what he says is a bid to persuade young Muslims to turn their b...
“Un éminent érudit musulman a condamné les terroristes.” Voilà un homme courageux qui, espérons-le, connaîtra un meilleur sort que Hassan Chalghoumi, l’imam de Dra...
LONDON - Seorang ulama ternama mengeluarkan fatwa sebanyak 600 halaman yang menentang terorisme. Fatwa yang dikeluarkan di London, Inggris ini menurut ulama tersebut merupakan...
The anti-terrorism fatwa by renowned Muslim scholar Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri pulled no punches, declaring that terrorism was “haraam,” or forbidden by the Quran, and that s...
Carl Court AFPUn éminent érudit musulman d'origine pakistanaise, Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a condamné mardi les terroristes comme des ennemis de l'islam, dans une fatwa rend...
Another Muslim scholar is joining the many who have condemned terrorism. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, the head of Minhaj ul Quran, will deliver a fatwa in Britain in the next ...
Fatwan keskeisenä sisältönä on, että itsemurhapommittaja joutuu kadotukseen. Fatwa myös tuomitsee jyrkin sanoin siviiliväestöön kohdistuneet itsemurhaiskut islamin va...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani lawmaker, says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing "without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions." Tahir-ul-Qadri has issu...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a Pakistan born Islamic scholar with an intriguingly wide range of opinion Tuesday issued an Islamic edict condemning terrorism and suicide bombings a...
London: A prominent Islamic scholar is to issue a 600-page religious edict denouncing terrorism in London on Tuesday in what he says is a bid to persuade young Muslims to turn...
Terrorisme skal ikke bare fordømmes. Terrorister er at betragte som vantro, siger en prominent islamisk videnskabsmand i en ny 600 sider lang fatwa. Map data ©2010 Tele Atl...
The leader of a worldwide Muslim movement with thousands of followers in the UK is due to issue a fatwa - or Islamic religious ruling - condemning terrorism and warning suicid...
It must take a lot to defy the Taliban and the Al Quaida but even if the Fatwa falls on deaf ears, is not a political or considered a governemnt ruling or resolution, it j...
Pakistan-born Tahir ul-Qadri, an authority on "Shariat law" (Islamic jurisprudence), will pronounce the ruling condemning the violence at a news conference in Westminster, cen...
Một nhà lãnh đạo có thế lực của phong trào Hồi Giáo thế giới đã công bố một tuyên cáo tôn giáo, lên án chủ nghĩa khủng bố và cấm c...
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, head of the Minhaj ul-Quran religious and educational organization, said suicide bombers were destined for hell as he released his 600-page edict in L...
A leading Pakistani cleric has issued a religious ruling in Britain condemning terrorism, saying suicide bombers are destined for hell....
A Muslim organisation in Britain has issued a fatwa to go along with the bulk of previous religious verdicts issued over the past decade that declares suicide bombings and ter...
(Pakistan Christian Post)- (PCP) Pakistan Christian Congress PCC welcomes religious ruling of Dr. Tahir ul Qadri on killing of non-Muslims in name of Islam in wake of terroris...
BEIJING, March 2 (Xinhuanet) -- Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, an influential Muslim scholar from Pakistan, is to issue a Fatwa against terrorism and suicide bombing. Dr Qadri says his 6...
Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, an influential Muslim scholar from Pakistan, is to issue a Fatwa against terrorism and suicide bombing. Dr Qadri says his 600-page judgement completely d...
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