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Milad-e-Mustafa Conference (saw) under MQI Karachi
Creating love culture through ardent love for the Holy Prophet (saw)
Arrival of a delegation of National Management College at the Central Secretariat of MQI
PAT organizes 'Tahaffuz-e-Pakistan' Seminar
Mawlid un Nabi  2008 Conference and Peace Walk in Denmark
Seminar in Memory of Shaheed Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi
Milaad e Mustafa (saw) Conference : Special activity to promote veneration for the ideal patron of life
Peace Procession marks the birth of the Prophet
Rabi-ul-Awwal 2008 activities in Dublin, Ireland
Rabi-ul-Awwal Activities in Ballaghderreen, Ireland
Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Women League, Lahore PRESENT, Seerah Seminar, Establishing International Peace in the light of Sirat ur Rasool (saw)
Seminar on 'Establishment of peace in the light of Sira of the Holy Prophet (SAW)'
Seminar on 'Establishment of peace in the light of Sira of the Holy Prophet (SAW)'
Annual Milad-un-Nabi (peace be upon him and his family) Event Halifax, UK
Annual Mawlid un Nabi London